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Experience the Joy of German Language Learn German with MSrfChSrfbidelT Live

M.Srf.Ch/SrfbidelüT Live

Due to its complex grammar, German requires a distinct approach to learning compared to English. If you don’t take this into account, you will waste a lot of study time.

I’ll show you how it works with the help of my 7-Rule-Challenge and show you how easy it can be to master the German language.


And as a bonus, upon completion of the challenge, you’ll receive my exclusive Learning Guide / Audio Story Lesson Set absolutely free.

German Word For No

Learning German grammar in class can be really complex and confusing, but my stories and lessons make it way easier and fun.

Moreover, the TPRS method is 6x more effective than methods used by other online platforms and it has a success rate of close to 90%!

Excellent learning materials and a very personal service from Lucas. You can tell that he is passionate about helping others learn the language and he makes learning fun.

Highly Specific German Words We All Need To Start Using

The best method on the market so far I found learning German. Funny and intresting so without realising you learn to speak and understand. Thank you for the amazing materials and the free die Schnecke story, love it!

Prior to trying Lucas‘ method, I had tried other free German language apps. I found that they only taught me words and not a communication method. After 4 months, I knew some words but not how to speak to someone.

Lucas‘ method incorporates all learning styles, audio, written and spoken. After only a few weeks I understand the spoken and written language better. German can be a tongue twister, but I am also finding I can pronounce the words better also by listening to sentence.

Ways To Wish Happy Birthday In German

Lucas is also very personable and not just a salesman. He is interested in your progress. I would recommend Lucas‘ method if you want to converse in German more quickly.

I bought Lucas’ program a few months ago and can not recommend it enough! I have already learnt more in the few months using his lessons then years of doing it on my own. Thanks so much!This is a step-by-step guide that was created with one goal in mind: To help complete beginners learn how to speak German fast

Yes, that’s a real word in the German language, or at least it was until 2013. In the German language, this 63 character word referred to “law delegating beef label monitoring”.

The Everything Learning German Book: Speak, Write, And Understand Basic German In No Time (everything®)

An EU regulation dropped it. You have been told the German language is really hard to learn, or maybe you just naturally got this feeling when you heard a native German speaker talking? The scary word above confirms your assumptions? But…

Well, no, learning German being hard is just a myth. Learning any language takes time and commitment. It’s the same with the German language.


Having enough motivation and working hard towards your goal, is all it takes. And if you feel confused about where to start, we’ve put together some tips in this article that will help you learn to speak German really fast. Let’s be real. Chinese people will find it harder than an English native speaker to learn German.

Why Study German?

This is because the German language is part of Germanic languages, a group of Indo-European languages, that shares plenty of similarities with other Germanic languages like English or Dutch.

Learning German can be a bit difficult, especially if you are a native of a language that doesn’t belong to the Indo-European family of languages. But, no matter what your native language is, and even if German may seem tricky to you at first, don’t get discouraged.

If you’re wondering if there are any shortcuts or specific ways how to learn german, we have mentioned a few in this guide that will help you make progress faster. There is no fixed period of time that guarantees you will succeed in learning the German language, but what’s most important is consistency. You’re not going to wake up one morning and find yourself speaking fluent German.

Online German Classes For Beginners, Busy Schedules, Small Budgets

That only happens in the movies. If you take just one step at a time, you’ll see results happening fast. Learning a new language may take a different time depending on many factors like your prior experience and exposure to the language, your resilience, how much work you put into the learning process, motivation, and so on. But, if you practice on a daily basis for a period of at least three to six months, you’ll probably be able to handle a daily conversation with a friend and doing things like getting into a cafe and making an order in German.

Some people struggle more than others and need more time to reach that level but that’s mostly because they’re not putting in the effort and practicing daily. If you want to speak German fluently, it’s probably going to take a few years of practice, but we’re just looking to get started, right?


People say it’s all about mastering the basics. So, if you’re wondering how to learn the German language if you’re a complete beginner, we recommend you start with the alphabet. The German language has 26 letters, just like English. There are a few letters with pronunciation that doesn’t exist in English: ä, ö, ü and β, but you won’t find these letters in the Alphabet. Practice their correct pronunciation as this will help you adjust your accent significantly.

Best Apps To Learn German In 2023 [for All Learning Styles]

What makes a language look difficult to you? It’s grammar, right? Grammar is usually a nightmare for all people planning to get into a new language, and it’s not the case only with the German language. But, learn this part well and you’ll be speaking German fluently in no time. German has six tenses: Prasens, Präteritum, Perfekt, Plusquamperfekt, Futur I and Futur II.

This relation is not completely accurate, but looking at the tenses this way will make it easier for you to understand German grammar. They have four cases (nominative, accusative, dative, genitive). Here is a tricky thing about German that many people mention often: the 16 forms that “the” of English takes on German in different cases and gender. German has three noun prepositions for each gender: die (for feminine nouns), der (for masculine nouns), and das (for neutral gender). With every new word that you learn in the German language, you must also learn what preposition needs to come in front of it. It may confuse you at first because sometimes a biological gender may not match its grammatical gender. However, there are some rules determining which noun gets which article with exceptions. There’s no need to stress about this part too much. Although you have to memorize all of them mechanically, a huge part of this grammar fundamental will soon start making more sense to you.

Lingoni GERMAN produces fun and useful German lessons for the A1 – B2 levels (The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Qualified native speakers teach you how to communicate in German in different situations, such as at work, at school, when meeting friends, or while going shopping. Within the lingoni app, the videos are accompanied by interactive exercises on all kinds of topics, and for all proficiency levels. You can also listen to their podcasts to train your listening comprehension, work on pronunciation exercises to practice your speaking, and discover plenty of other resources, like worksheets, to strengthen everything you’ve just learned.

Most Common German Words

When you start learning a new language you probably wouldn’t like to start with all the grammar rules and things that make a language complicated.

Language learning is all about the joy and entertaining part of it, other than the desire to expand your knowledge. To do, so you’ll have to start from a point that makes you wonder what’s beyond that, grab your attention, and set your motivation on fire.


There is no better way how to learn German than just starting to learn a few words and some daily expressions like saying hello to somebody or asking someone for something. This will give you a little sense of achievement and boost your self-confidence. Here are a few basic German daily-life expressions to start with. Study them and then try to simulate a simple dialogue in your head.

My Two Years Long Journey In Learning German

Let’s make this a little bit more fun, shall we? Like in any other language, you can find words in German that when translated literally in English sound really funny.

There is no specific word for these people in English, but in German, there is “Wildpinkler” which literally means “wild pee-er”. Here is a list of the 10 funniest words in German and their meaning in English.

This word literally means “breast wart”. It stands for “nipple” in English. This is not the only funny word for body parts. There is also Zahnfleisch (tooth-meat) which actually means gums.

The Ultimate German Pronunciation Guide With Examples

This word originates from a German wine back in the 1700s and it refers to the Virgin Mary. The expression “Liebfrauenmilch” is now a legally protected name of German wine (from the Mosel region).

Germans don’t have the time nor the patience to create a unique word for the clothes we wear on different parts of the body. Everything you put in your hands, they refer to Handschuhe which literally


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